
"Crime Summary: Chicago January-December 2009." Chart. Crime Summary by Research and Development Division, Chicago Police Department. Chicago: 3510 S. Michigan Ave, Rm 4001 SW, 2010. Print.

 National Youth Gang Survey : Research and Development Division CPD

 The statistical research shows an increase in the Juvenile problem between the ages of 17-25 years old representing the age of murder victims. The young blooded teenagers are fast and furious as opposed to adults. " Annually since 1995, the National Youth Gang Center (NYGC) has conducted the National Youth Gang Survey (NYGS) of law enforcement agencies across the United States regarding the presence and characteristics of local gang problems. This fact sheet summarizes NYGS findings that represent the following agencies: (1) All police departments that serve cities with a population of 50,000 or more (2) All suburban county police and sheriff departments (3) A randomly selected sample of police departments that serve cities with a population between 2,500 and 49,999 (4) A randomly selected sample of rural county police and sheriff's department. Furthermore, based on the survey results, NYGC estimates that approximately 760,000 gang members and 24,000 gangs were active in more than 2,900 jurisdictions with city populations of 2,500 or more." (United States: Department of Justice). According to the results found there is an increase of outdoor murders, increased numbers of murders that occur south of the financial and influencial parts of society, 81.4% firearem usage, about 75% of the murder motives are gang related with ages 17-25 years and older with 58.1 % murders being gang involved.

Word Count : 282 *inclusive of 100 words for picture